Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Too Much Iron Can Also Turn Detrimental

Iron is an important mineral that plays a crucial role in the human body. It is a component of the hemoglobin in red blood cells and enables it to carry oxygen from the lungs to the different organs in the body. Apart from this, it also ensures other metabolic processes like DNA synthesis and electron transport.

Iron deficiency is a serious condition that is usually treated by increasing intake of iron-rich foods or taking iron supplements. In severe cases, blood transfusion may also become essential.

However, does this mean that you should start taking iron supplements when you find yourself feeling excessively weak, tired, dizzy or have pale skin and shortness of breath?

It is a fact that even the best iron supplement should not be taken without an express direction from the physician. Moreover, it is important to take the supplement only in the prescribed dosage. This is because self-diagnosis or even taking extra tablets for ‘quicker effects’ can actually dangerous!

 Indeed, doctors conduct the necessary investigations and recommend a course of medication based on the deficiencies in the body. Otherwise, taking unnecessary iron supplements or even accidental overdosing can actually lead to chronic iron overload disorders.

What is iron overload?

Iron overload is the exact opposite of an iron deficiency. This is a condition where the iron-binding proteins in the hemoglobin are saturated as there is too much iron in the body. Unfortunately, the body can excrete only small amounts of iron and the extra stock will not get absorbed by the blood cells either. It keeps floating freely around in the bloodstream and has a pro-oxidant effect in the body. This means that it ends up destroying the cells in the body.

Some of the symptoms of iron overload are chronic fatigue, nausea, joint pains, abdominal pain, hair loss, irregular heartbeat and depression. The skin tends to turn darker as well. Moreover, the excess iron will gradually get deposited in the various organs thus damaging the tissues in the liver and brain and increasing the risk of cancer and heart disease. Too much iron can lead to seizures, coma, and at very high does, the excess iron can even turn fatal.

The only treatment for iron overload is either donating blood or iron-chelation which involves removing the iron with particular drugs.

It is very important to be cautious about the risks of iron toxicity. The good news is that Iron Catch (available at is free from the usual iron supplement side effects. This is because it does not contain any iron at all. The supplement works to increase the body’s ability to absorb iron from the food we eat. Therefore, the body can overcome the iron deficiency and yet remains free of the potential of iron overload!

Monday, 2 November 2020

Symptoms & Cure Iron Deficiency in Pregnancy


Pregnant anemic women remain at an increased risk of premature birth. It also risks a low birth weight baby and postpartum depression. Depending on other bodily factors, the infant is exposed to increased risk of death immediately after birth.

Sunday, 1 November 2020

Different anemia symptoms and if it can be cured

Anemia is a condition where the body has deficient number of red blood cells. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying protein hemoglobin around the body. A person who is anemic does not have the right level of red blood cells and eventually the level of hemoglobin goes lower than normal. In a routine blood test, if anemia is reported, it refers to a low count of hemoglobin or hematocrit.

Iron deficiency anemia is a very common problem all across the globe. The lack of hemoglobin is serious condition and needs immediate attention because if left untreated for the long run it can cause fatigue and many other complications. Anemia is the most common blood related complications in United States. More than 6% of the population, which includes women and young children suffers from this blood condition. Some of the important things to remember in this case are-

There are certain forms of anemia which can be genetic; that means even the infants can have it

  • Women are at more risk of iron anemia deficiency because of menstruation
  • Pregnant women can also have anemia because there is higher blood supply
  • The older adults are also at a risk because of chronic medical conditions such as renal disease

There are different types of anemia and all of them have different causes and treatments. For instance, in mild anemia, which happens generally during pregnancy, can be cured soon after the delivery. It is not a major concern. But when it continues for a longer period of time, it can be an underlying serious medical condition.

Anemia symptoms

The signs of anemia can be very mild initially. However, at a certain point it can have a major drop of the red blood cells and the following symptoms may develop –

  • Dizziness or lightheartedness or a constant feeling of about to pass out
  • Headache
  • Fast or unusual heartbeat
  • Pain in belly, joint, chest and bones
  • Shortness of breath
  • Growing pale or yellow
  • Cold feet and hand
  • Constant feeling of tiredness
  • Issues with growing up for children and teem

There are more than 400 types of anemia. Of them, it is broadly divided into three groups –

  • Anemia caused from blood loss
  • Anemia caused from faulty red blood cell production, and
  • Anemia caused from destruction of red blood cells

When to see a doctor

If you are constantly having a sense of fatigue, chances are you are anemic. When hemoglobin is low your, body does not receive the required amount of oxygen and thus, the right amount of energy is not produced. Iron  deficiency anemia is caused when there is a shortage of iron in the body. The bone marrow requires this element to produce hemoglobin. This is when you will need iron supplementation to recover from the deficit.

While conditions such as pregnancy or teenage can be cured with iron supplements and other necessary supporting vitamins and food, there can be certain diseases such as HIV, AIDS, renal complications, rheumatoid arthritis where the condition goes to a chronic stage and it can forever interfere with the production of red blood cells.

Also a rare life threatening anemia called aplastic anemia that occurs when the body feels to produce enough red blood cells. It can happen due to infection or autoimmune diseases. In such cases it is not always easy to get cured from the condition.

Iron catch is one of the most trusted Iron free solution to fight iron deficiency. It is rich in fish oligosaccharides, vitamin and other essential minerals. Speak with your health care provider if you need this supplement. Depending on your food habits, lifestyle, age and other prevailing conditions, you can have iron catch to improve your condition visit  to find out more.

Sunday, 18 October 2020

Anemia and Pregnancy | Iron Catch



Human body use iron to make hemoglobin. It is an essential protein in the red blood cells that carries oxygen to the rest of the tissues. Dureing pregnancy, the iron requirements goes up by almost 50% as the mother's body needs this iron to make more blood to supply oxygen to the baby.

Iron Catch 


Saturday, 10 October 2020

Why you should be worried about anemia during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is an interesting period in a woman’s body. Within the period of gestation, a new body starts growing inside the mother pulling in nutrients from her. In situations, when the mother is suffering from nutritional deficiency it will impact the child – leading to birth defects, low birth weight, and shunned brain development. Extreme cases of nutritional deficiency can lead to preterm delivery.

Iron anemia deficiency in expectant mothers can be deadly for the child growing inside. Sadly, a huge percentage of womensuffer from deficiency of nutrients. Iron is an important for pregnant mothers. The nutrient helps in production of blood in the body, essential for the growth of the child.

Here are few symptoms of iron deficiency in expectant mothers:

  1. Fatigue
  2. Weakness
  3. Cold hands and feet
  4. Pale or yellowish skin
  5. Shortness of breath
  6. Dizziness or lightheadedness
  7. Irregular heartbeats
  8. Chest pain

How to avoid iron deficiency?

To iron anemia deficiency during pregnancy, women can:

  1. Eat healthy diet
  2. Taking the prenatal vitamins on time
  3. To enhance the iron absorption in the body, including Vitamin D in diet can help (consult the doctors before including the supplement)

Additionally, pregnant women can take opt for Iron-Catch to improve the iron deficiency. The food supplement increases the body’s iron absorption capacity, thus helping the women with their iron requirement. To know more, visit or call 833.550.6660.


Thursday, 1 October 2020

Foods to Increase Haemoglobin


* Fruits like Pomegranate , Pumpkin Seeds , Watermelon
* Dates , Beetroots , Legumus
* Folic Acid
* Vitamin-C rich foods
* Iron rich food should be priority

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Latest Research Findings On Anemia In Pregnancy

Multiple changes are underway in a woman’s body during pregnancy. For instance, the body will start producing more blood to support the growth of the baby. It uses iron along with other nutrients to produce the red blood cells for the blood. So much so that, the iron requirement increases by almost 50% during pregnancy.  

It follows that the iron levels start to deplete and can manifest as iron deficiency in pregnancy. While mild anemia is a common phenomenon, severe cases can lead to serious complications for both the mother and the unborn child.  

It should be noted that iron is present in the form of  hemoglobin in the blood and it plays a critical role in transporting oxygen to the various organs in the body. As a result of the deficiency, the woman starts feeling tired, weak, dizzy and difficulty in concentration. She can turn pale and have labored breathing as well.

As the growing baby is not getting the required oxygen from the mother’s blood, it may not grow to a healthy weight, arrive preterm or have low birth weight. The child may have developmental delays and may even be anemic. The mother may not be able to recover as quickly from the childbirth and faces an increased likelihood of postpartum depression.

A recent study led by Menzies School of Health Research published in June 2020 finds maternal anemia in pregnancy to be a more significant risk factor than being born premature or low birth weight. Dr. Martin Hansen of Royal Darwin Hospital states, “We also found that the odds of a child developing anemia at age six months was four folds greater if their mother had anemia in the third trimester of pregnancy compared with those born to non-anemic mothers. The odds substantially increased if maternal anemia in third trimester was not treated. …. the need for a renewed focus on implementing and reporting anemia screening, prevention and treatment in pregnancy."

Not only this, anemia is quite widespread among mothers-to-be. According to the World Health Organization 2020 estimates, 40% of pregnant women worldwide are anemic. It further estimates that one-third of the women of reproductive age are suffering from anemia. Moreover, more than 40% of children under 5 are diagnosed as anemic.

The statistics are pretty staggering. It indicates poor nutrition and health standards around the world. While changes in the diet intake can help improve the iron levels in the body, severe cases of anemia call for iron supplementation to combat the low iron in the body.

In fact, pregnant women are usually prescribed iron and folic acid tablets based on the prenatal blood tests like hemoglobin and hematocrit. These supplements boost the hemoglobin the mother’s body and can help prevent the side-effects of anemia for both the mother and baby.

Indeed, latest research reveals that children of mothers who used iron and folic supplements for at least 50 days during pregnancy are 10% less likely to have anemia!

While iron supplements are essential to combat iron deficiency in pregnancy, they come with their own side effects. The mother may feel nausea, constipation, have black stools and the like. Therefore, Iron Catch ( emerges as a more effective option as it actually does not contain iron at all. It works by enhancing the body’s ability to absorb iron from the food and is thus completely safe for both the mother and baby!

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Iron Deficiency in Pregnancy Treatment



Take iron supplement and/or folic acid supplement in addition to your prenatal vitamins. Take VITAMIN B12 Supplements, Animal Food in Diet MEAT , EGGS , DAIRY PRODUCTS.

Monday, 7 September 2020

How Iron helps in pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a crucial stage in a women’s life. You have to eat right, take plenty of rest, and stay mentally healthy. Your Ob-Gyn shall prescribe some mineral supplements to help your baby reach its growth milestones and stay healthy inside you. Among these prenatal supplements, iron pills help in brain development and growth of the child. Additionally, iron supplements assist in developing the placenta, increases blood circulation in the would-be mother, and increases the oxygen circulation in the body. 

Thus, iron deficiency in pregnancy can prove fatal for the baby growing inside. Usually, pregnant women require 27 to 45 mg of elemental iron per day to meet the demands of the body. The amount of iron required by the body is calculated based on factors like: 

  • Mother has a previous history anemia
  • Carrying twins or triplets 
  • Began taking iron late during pregnancy 
  • Was sporadic while taking iron during the first trimester 

Issues with iron supplements

In most cases, pregnant women complain about constipation and issues indigestion after taking the iron pills during pregnancy. The new patented dietary formulation by Iron Catch improves the body’s iron absorption capacity – thus bringing down the possibility of iron deficiency in pregnancy. To know more, visit or call 833-550-6660

P.S: This is a dietary supplement, do consult your doctor before taking the pill.

Friday, 4 September 2020

Iron Catch - The Best Iron Supplement By Far!

Iron is a crucial mineral for maintaining good health and vitality. The bone marrow draws on iron deposits to make hemoglobin in the red blood cells. Hemoglobin is the protein that not only gives the blood its deep red color, but also transports the vital oxygen from the lungs to the different organs and tissues of the body. The same iron also promotes DNA synthesis, regulates muscle metabolism and assists in the production of energy in the body.

Iron deficiency is the only nutritional deficiency prevalent in the developed countries. It is considered one of the leading causes of anemia. Even without the associated anemia, iron deficiency can cause fatigue, tiredness, low energy and weakened immune system. Low iron levels are known to interfere with proper muscle functioning, limit exercise capabilities and especially diminish athletic performance.

Various health conditions, medications and dietary habits can reduce the iron stores in the body. Moreover, pregnant women, athletes (especially endurance sports), older people and vegetarians require additional iron in the body.

While a range of iron supplements are flooding health stores, they are not free of side effects. In fact, excess iron can also cause its own problems in the body.

There are many reasons why Iron Catch is considered the safest and best iron supplement, standing head and shoulders above all other supplements in its class. Like:

  • The fundamental difference is that Iron Catch is a natural and non-iron supplement. Indeed, it does not contain iron at all! Instead of relying on inorganic iron compounds, the supplement simply works on activating the body’s natural ability to absorb iron from everyday food. The rate of iron absorption is enhanced by 3 to even 5 times!
  • Not only is Iron Catch natural and safe, it also works very quickly and effectively. It can deliver significant results as early as within 30 days itself. Increased energy and vitality is reported in just a week itself.
  • It contains fish oligosaccharides, vitamin, zinc, folate and other essential minerals that further enhance the body’s ability to absorb iron. These promote iron absorption from both heme and non-heme sources.
  • It is free of adverse reactions and even the side effects commonly associated with the regular iron supplements.
  • Iron Catch can be safely used by people suffering from irritable bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease. Such diseases run the risk of getting aggravated by regular oral iron supplements.
  • Iron Catch is also gluten-free, making it suitable for patients with celiac disease. 
  • This supplement is also effective in other health conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and serious hepatopathies and nephropathies. It can also be safely used by cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy.

For more information on this best iron supplement visit

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Benefits and Side Effects of Iron Supplements


Iron is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in the human body. The body requires iron to produce red blood cells and especially, hemoglobin. It is the hemoglobin that transports oxygen from the lungs to the other organs of the body. Iron is also crucial for other body processes like metabolizing food into energy and transmitting signals to and from the brain.

Low levels of iron in the body can cause different health problems, the most serious being anemia.

While we usually get the required iron by eating a balanced diet, at times, the body is unable to absorb the mineral from the food we eat. Iron deficiency can also be attributed to excessive blood loss caused by ulcers, cancer or even heavy menstruation in women. Certain conditions like kidney problems and HIV deplete iron in the body. Pregnant women also need extra iron to supply blood to the growing baby.

Health professionals advise an iron-rich diet (meat, fish, tofu, beans, spinach, nuts, dry fruits, fortified cereals) and prescribe iron supplements to rebuild iron stores in the body. These can be in the form of tablets, capsules, syrups, chewable tablets, extended release tablets, etc.


Taking iron supplements on a regular basis will slowly alleviate the symptoms of anemia like fatigue, paleness, dizziness, breathlessness, headaches and heart palpitations. Proper levels of iron will keep the body energized and focused, regulate body temperature and stimulate proper functioning of the gastrointestinal process and immune system. It is also beneficial for people who are aging, people who are on blood thinners and people who have trouble absorbing iron in the body.



The best iron supplement is also not without its side effects. Some of them include nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, stomach cramps,

The supplements can stain the teeth and cause black stools as well. They are not compatible with certain other medications and health conditions too. Excess iron stores in the body are also believed to increase the risk of diabetes and liver cancer. It can aggravate ulcers and even cause preterm birth in pregnant women. Very high doses of iron can also turn fatal, especially for children.

Furthermore, iron supplements are most effective when taken on an empty stomach. Combining the supplement with vitamin C will improve the iron absorption in the body. Sometimes, people are advised to take iron tablets with a little food to combat the associated side effects. However, certain foods like dairy products, raw vegetables, whole grains and caffeine should not be eaten along with the supplements.

The best way to prevent the iron supplement side effects is to take a supplement that does not contain iron at all! This may sound like an illogical oxymoron, but the revolutionary Iron Catch ( actually make this possible.

What this all-natural supplement does is simply improve the body’s ability to absorb iron. As the body now gets the maximum iron possible from the food, the iron levels increase naturally, safely and quickly, that too sans any of the side effects!

Monday, 27 July 2020

How to effectively treat iron deficiency during pregnancy?

Among the most common conditions that provoke iron deficiency, the most common one is during pregnancy. When a woman is expecting, the heart works harder to supply adequate nourishment to the fetus. The body gets an increased blood volume by around 30-50% which demands for an increased intake of folic acid and iron. The condition, if not taken care of, leads to iron deficiency in pregnancy.

So, how to treat iron deficiency during pregnancy?

What is iron deficiency anemia?

An anemia is a condition in which the body doesn’t receive adequate amount of red blood cells that are required to carry oxygen to the different parts of the body. There can be several causes of anemia among which iron deficiency is the most common.

When there is a substantial dip in the iron level, there are not much red blood cells available to carry oxygen to the tissues and organs through the body. During pregnancy, the condition is pretty common.

If the deficiency is mild due to increased blood volume, there is not much to worry about and it can be treated with the right food rich in iron content. However, if there is severe anemia experienced during pregnancy, it can be severely risky for the expecting mother as well as for the baby that can be born premature and at low birth weight.

How to know if you are suffering from anemia during pregnancy?

Some of the common symptoms that show up during iron deficiency in pregnancy include:

  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Shortness of breath
  • Pale skin
  • Chest pain
  • Lightheadedness
  • Cold hands and feet

In case a lady is carrying more than one fetus, she is prone to a greater risk of developing anemia. The risk is higher when there are two close pregnancies one after another. The same is the case when the expecting mother doesn’t eat enough iron-rich foods. Even if a lady experiences heavy periods prior to getting pregnant, she can be anemic during her pregnancy period.  

Iron rich foods to eat during pregnancy

If a lady suspects to be anemic during pregnancy, the first thing to do is to visit the doctor before self-treatment. A proper diagnose to check the level of haemoglobin is necessary. An overdose of iron supplements can be dangerous, potentially causing liver damage among other problems. So, relying on your doctor to determine if you have an iron deficiency is better to get prescribed the correct dose of iron to take, if necessary.

Also, if the doctor prescribes an iron supplement, it is important to intake the same at least two hours before or four hours after taking antacids as they can interfere with iron absorption. It might take few months to restore the iron levels, though one might feel better after a week of taking the medicine. It also calls for regular check-up and follow-up appointment to make sure if the supplement is working.

Apart from taking iron supplements, there are some iron-rich foods suggested in the regular diet. These include green leafy vegetables like spinach, red meat, pork, poultry, beans, peas, and dry fruit along with iron-fortified bread, cereal, and pasta. Fruits rich in Vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, melon, leafy green vegetables, tomatoes, and bell peppers are quite effective as aid in iron absorption.

Iron that are found in plants are not absorbed readily, unlike the iron content in meat. So, when you are taking iron-rich plants, it is best to eat foods containing vitamin C at the same meal to aid in iron absorption.

When is iron supplement necessary?

There are some individuals who cannot absorb iron from food. So, for them iron supplement is necessarily required and recommended.

Are iron supplements safe?

Not all iron supplements are safe and free of adverse effects. Some of the common side effects experienced while taking iron supplements are:

  • Dark stool
  • Discolored urine
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Flatulence
  • Constipation
  • Dizziness

Is there a safe iron supplement?

Thankfully yes. Iron Catch is a safe supplement which doesn’t have any adverse effects. It is the only iron supplement which doesn’t contain any iron in it. It works by regulating the iron absorption power of the body by three to five times from regular food. It is made from specific fish oligosaccharides that promote absorption of heme and non-heme iron.

To order Iron Catch, contact the official manufacturer Innovative Med Pharmaceuticals. Visit the official website or call at 833.550.6660 to place your order.