Wednesday 1 July 2020

Is rheumatoid arthritis and anemia related?

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune disease which, if not treated timely can affect the joints and other body organs. The immune system mistakes the body’s tissue as a foreign element in RA and leads to attacking the tissue lining the joints. The common complications include swelling, stiffness, and pain in various body joints. The condition worsens when the immune system affects the other internal organs such as heart, lungs, and other blood vessels and cause inflammation.

Bloodlessness is what is referred to as anemia. This occurs when bone marrow manufactures lesser red blood cells than required by the body. As RBCs are responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body, it can result in oxygen starvation. 

RA-related anemia starts by treating RA and decreasing the inflammation in your body.
Prompt treatment for rheumatoid arthritis anemia can help prevent the conditions.

Iron Catch is a food supplement that comes with a patented formulation which helps in increasing the iron absorption from food 3-5 times in human body than in regular times. The best part is that the supplement has no adverse reactions.

To find out more, visit

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