Thursday 11 June 2020

Here’s why you must take iron supplement

Iron has a major role to play in creating energy from nutrients. It contributes to the transmission of nerve impulses which help in the coordination of the actions of different parts of the body. If your body has less iron, you would notice your body showing complicated symptoms affecting your health. This is because of iron deficiency anemia, when you would need to take the best iron supplement to provide adequate iron to the body.

Why do you need iron supplements?

Iron plays a key role in making red blood cells that are responsible for carrying oxygen to the body. Iron can be supplied to your body from regular food or supplements. When the body doesn’t get enough iron, it can result to anemia or a low red blood cells level. To compensate for that, you must take iron supplements.

There are certain health conditions or situations when it may be necessary to add supplemental iron to your diet. Let us find out reasons why you need to take iron supplements.

  1. Pregnancy
Women, who are expecting or nursing, need to take in 15 to 18 milligrams of iron daily. This extra iron supply needed is to make more blood to supply oxygen to your baby. If you don’t have enough iron stored or if you are not getting adequate supply of iron, you are more likely to develop iron deficiency anemia.
  1. Infants
Babies are normally born with excess iron from their mothers to use during their first six months of life when they are nursing. After 6 months or so, babies are required to be given iron-fortified foods added to their diet to balance the iron level. Many infants are also recommended iron supplements along with iron-rich foods.
  1. Menstruation
When you are menstruating, the stored iron is depleted. This accounts for why women have higher anemia rates than men. During menstruation, many women are prescribed iron supplements to keep the RBCs in good count and to keep themselves from being anemic.

  1. Surgery or major blood loss
When someone undergoes a surgery, he or she suffers a major amount of blood loss resulting in iron deficiency in the body. Under such conditions, it is a must to take iron supplements to balance the iron level in the body. Same goes for people who might have faced blood loss due to accident, or those who donate blood regularly, or those who have gastrointestinal bleeding.
  1. Kidney dialysis
People who are on kidney dialysis need extra iron. Kidneys make erythropoietin, a hormone that tells the body to make red blood cells. If kidneys fail to work the way they are supposed to, there are high chances of anemia as side effects. To combat that, iron supplements are a must.
  1. Iron depleting medications
There are some medications that can interfere with your body’s ability to absorb iron. Some of such medications include:
  • Quinolones (ciprofloxacin/Cipro) and levofloxacin/Levaquin composition antibiotics)
  • Tetracycline (Panmycin)
  • Ranitidine (Zantac)
  • Omeprazole (Prilosec)
  • Angiotensin
  • Colestipol (Colestid)
  • Cholestyramine (Prevalite)
If anyone has any of the abovementioned conditions leading to iron deficiency anemia, he or she would be prescribed with the best iron supplement to deal with the health condition. Most people respond well to taking iron supplements, though some people with very low iron levels may need intravenous iron. However, most of the iron supplements are not devoid of side effects. There are several complications associated with taking iron capsules or tablets or syrups as supplements.

Side effects of iron supplements:
  1. Constipation
  2. Dark stool
  3. Urine discoloration
  4. Stomach pain
  5. Nausea
  6. Vomiting
  7. Diarrhoea
  8. Heartburn

Is there any iron supplement that is safe for health?

Thankfully, yes.  Iron Catch is the ultimate solution that comes after several researches, innovation in healthcare, and clinical evidences. Iron Catch is a food supplement with a patented formulation that pushes up the iron absorption from food by around three to five times more than regular. Iron Catch works by increasing regular iron absorption from regular food without causing any adverse effects to your body.

Purchase Iron Catch from or call up at 833.550.6660 to know more about the product.

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